Thursday, December 27, 2007

oh and another thing

and to top off one of the crappiest holidays i have ever had. my computer decided it would up and freaking die on me. Now i am getting the dance around by HP to ensure that it is still under warranty. Let me tell you how much fun that is via shakey internet, borrowing other peoples computers, and the fact that the service reps are all outsourced to freakin India so i can barely understand them....... (using skpye with a crappy net doesnt help either)
So i finished reading most of my books and took up Sudoku as a pass time, which i found that i am somewhat good at. No one could leave that alone though. My squad leader thought it to be funny to use my Sudoku book to throw knives through.. throws it back to me and tells me to stop pouting, its still usable.... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready to go on leave